M 6.5 Indonesia Earthquake

 In Event News

A strong earthquake in Indonesia’s Aceh province caused at least 97 fatailities, and 245 buildings damaged or destroyed. The U.S. Geological Survey said the 6.5-magnitude earthquake struck at 5:03 a.m. December 7 and was centered about 19 kilometers southeast of Sigli, a town near the northern tip of Aceh. It did not generate a tsunami. For more information, please read the ABC article here.

The USGS shakemap for this event is available in our event catalog. Users can login at prism.eigenrisk.com to access this footprint and compute the estimated impact on their portfolios in real time. EigenAlert subscribers should have already received automated notifications, within minutes of the event, if their exposures were impacted.

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Our extensive library of real time event feeds now covers major perils including windstorm, earthquake, flood, tornado, hail, wildfire and landslides. To see our event response capabilities in action, schedule a live demo.

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EigenPrism Product Team
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